Tuesday 3 December 2013

Strange Life Cleaners Microsoft

Jobless Man at Microsoft apply for cleaning jobs. Chairman interviewed him and clean up the land office - as a sample - see "You got hired, give your email address to send you the relevant forms to fill out, as well as the date, you've got to work can start ...

The man replied, "but I do not have a computer, neither an email"

The Chairman said: "I'm sorry. If you do not have an email, that means you do not exist. And who does not exist can not have the job. "

The man was left in despair. With only $ 10 in his pocket and did not know what to do. Decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10Kg tomato

Back Yd house got sold and tomato. In less than two hours, the funds showed up twice.

This procedure was repeated three times, and returned home with $ 60. 'll Be able to pass through his man and started to go everyday earlier, and return home late. The result was two or three times the money per day. Soon he bought a cart, then a truck, and soon had his own fleet of transit lines (distribution) was ...
Five years later, another man was one of America's largest retailers. He began to plan his family's future, and decided to get life insurance. The service insurance agency called and chose. When he came to them talk, other representatives of the insurance mail man asked. The man replied: "I have mail."

Insurance agent asked him curiously, "You do not have email, but we could get into an Empire on your job. This way, if you can think of an email Dashtyn Where? "The man thought for a while and said:

Yeah! I would probably work in a cleaning Microsoft ...

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