Tuesday 3 December 2013

Some Golden Tips for the "rich" to

Such concerns could not be, or at least made ​​them less. But how? The solution of the problem is that sure you've heard it over and over, but less likely to have attention. Savings!

What are the savings?

Usually the first thing most of us hear the word Iran comes to mind is savings-bank. We consider Iranians, saving the money in the bank to do so to use it in a rainy day.

But saving or saving the "income not spent, or deferred consumption is." The amount of money or property that we do not spend it for consumption later put it aside.

So we can conclude that the savings is not just money;
This means that any savings in costs and time can be saved
Perhaps this kind of savings can make our lives more nodes open.

Saving you the way to get rich

However, one can make use of it can be turned further, That no savings for a rainy day and that too can become rich. May at first glance seem absurd and impossible, but we think we achieved just that.

Consideration that we are dealing with daily life and sailed across just a bit too comfortable, it can help us in this way.

One. Do not squander

Squander the additional costs that we impose on ourselves to ourselves. Your shopping that excess consumption are obvious examples of unnecessary extravagance that his result is only to wind up losing money. So let the wind take your money.

Two. Purchase limit set

Stores are usually the best place for shopping. Once you see this kind of shops do all Khrydhaytan. But danger still threatens you, or rather your money. Avoid the temptation catches, or you can create a list of Khrydhaytan or ceiling for the money you want to spend, estimate.

Three. Do not miss the extra sales and auctions

One of the best ways of savings. Seasonal and fantastic auction sale is an opportunity to sex good for you to buy and pay a lot of money and that means savings.

4. Pull yourself out of the foods you
Entertainment, eating out is one of the largest Iranian. Eating out is fun, good food, provided that both the Note. First, the foods that you can prepare at home to do the cleaning. Second, do not try to force everyone to eat your food.

Thus also enjoy eating out and saving you money.

5. Note the costs and expenses

I know people who have to write down all your expenses from the smallest to the biggest shopping day of spending, cost control to their.

If you're looking to control your costs, today these works assign a book and write down all your expenses. Compare your monthly costs will be more successful in controlling costs.

6. Chraha answer you're looking for

If you ever see these electricity bills Yamsayly services jumped head and noticed most of the spending limit placed on your hand, to be followed by another shock because normally you can not get away again.

Observing these simple tips can make money out of the bank zeros zeros you have more money in the bank, or in other words, saving you money. Try, can not hurt to try!

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