Wednesday 4 December 2013

Misfortune to experience a hotel where you pay $ 250 a night!

It is estimated that one out of every eight people in the world is Slumdog. South Africa's financial situation is not too good of his people's rich journey has some ...
Strange hotels all over the world are many, each with its own characteristics. Opening a hotel in South Africa, but it is a surprise to many, and even has its detractors.
Sleeping under a tin roof, sitting in candlelight, no electricity, cooking on a stove, old and rusty. This is a poor slum life experience in the luxury hotel chain, the "Blvmfntn", a city in central South Africa offers foreign tourists. According to officials, this hotel is rich with resources they can use to experience the lifestyle of millions of South Africans who live in slums experience.

Stay at this hotel is not cheap at all compared to income South Africans. Tourists staying at the cottage the night of slum dwellers have to pay a fee of $ 80, paid the equivalent of half a month's average salary of people in South Africa.

All the cottages are made of wood and thin iron sheets and hot water requirements, passengers must provide their own fire in front of the cottage to prepare. According to authorities, the hotel actually looks hotels, public restrooms and the style is considered slums for tourists.

Tourists , but with a difference in the lives of slum dwellers able to work in a hotel with wireless Internet access. Although this hotel has been considered by some tourists but also make this hotel a mock-up of a group of dissidents living in the slums , the Blacks and have been considered a promote racism . 85 % of South Africans are poor , but 87 percent of blacks, whites living in the middle or higher income levels .

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